Empaque corrosivo | Smurfit Kappa
Empaque Industrial

Corrosion Board

Corrosion board has been specifically designed for the packaging of products that are susceptible to all forms of corrosion.

Corrosion board gains its properties from a coating of a Vapour Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) which is non-visible, odour-free and completely harmless.

The coating works by emitting an invisible vapour, which settles on the goods and prevents moisture from condensing on them.

Packaging that is made from corrosion board ensures products reach their destination in exactly the same condition as when it was packed, eliminating the rusting or oxidation of products during transport.

¿Cuáles son las características técnicas de este producto?

  • Board range: 150 to 3000 gsm
  • Coated with a Vapour Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI)
  • VCI vapour is harmless and odour-free
  • 100% recyclable

¿Para qué se usa comúnmente este producto?

  • Industrial packaging
  • Interleaving

Un suministro garantizado desde una fuente confiable

Our certified Chain of Custody is your guarantee of a verifiably sustainable packaging supply chain.

At Smurfit Kappa we understand the importance of sustainability in everything we do, and see it as our responsibility to ensure the products we supply to our customers meet the highest chain of custody standards.

  • 100% of paper produced and sourced for our packaging solutions is FSC®, PEFC™ or SFI™ Chain of Custody certified
  • 90% of packaging supplied to customers is FSC®, PEFC™ or SFI™ Chain of Custody certified

Look out for our stamp of proof on your invoice to give you total peace of mind around the origin of your paper-based packaging.

Learn more about Chain of Custody

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