Cushion Pad Protection Drinks Gift Packaging | MicroBarBox | Smurfit Kappa FCP
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Cushion Pad Protection for MicroBarBox Drinks Gift Packaging

You’ve doubtless come across cushion pad protection before: it is widely used in the confectionery industry, and you’ll be hard-pressed to find a high-end biscuit tin lacking one.

But could it be useful for other industries, as well? At Smurfit Kappa Food Contact Packaging we think so and have been working with our client MicroBarBox creating custom cushion pads for drinks gift packaging protection.

MicroBarBox is an online gifting business, focusing on cocktails, spirits, mixers and snacks. Perfect for birthdays, anniversaries, thank you’s and virtual team drinks. Described on their website as ‘beautifully packaged, a joy to discover, and full of great taste sensations.’

Padded Protection

If nothing else, a cushion pad adds an extra layer of protection for the product beneath. This extra layer of cushioning makes it less likely that products will arrive damaged or broken. 

eCommerce is a booming industry, with gift recipients quite often across the country (or across the world) from the sender. Any extra protection with a gift adds an extra layer of security that the product will arrive without a hitch, both pleasing buyers and benefiting businesses. In terms of a first impression, it’s always a good idea to opt for safety.

First reaching out to us at the end of 2017, MicroBarBox wanted something sturdy and protective, to go alongside their elegant branding, and which would enhance their brand reputation by preventing breakages and scratches on their drinks bottles. We suggested that they opt for a plain design, as in their case the cushion pad was more for functionality than appearance.

An Eco-Friendly Switch

Cushion pads are an eco-friendly alternative to the typical bubble wrap or polystyrene peanuts. As consumers become more aware, more people are choosing products and brands that use climate-friendly options, from their shipping solutions to their drinks gift packaging protection.

Our cushion pads are made from renewable sources, and are 100% recyclable - so if you’re a brand that prides itself on your ethics and sustainability, it’s a good time to look into making the switch. 

In this case, MicroBarBox wanted to keep quantities small – which is a brilliant choice with regards to the environment. Only ordering what you know you need keeps your eco-footprint small. But, it posed a problem for us as small runs aren't usually efficient for our machines.

Despite this, our Smurfit Kappa Food Contact Packaging team worked hard to fulfil the brief, forgoing printing options both to keep costs down and to avoid the minimum print run issue. The result? Our client was delighted and consequently increased their order from one pad in one size to four cushion pads of various sizes.

“Smurfit Kappa Food Contact Packaging were so helpful throughout the entire process, offering suggestions and solutions to meet our needs. We look forward to working with them further in the future”, said Kate Darracott CEO of MicroBarBox.

To get your own hands on a MicroBarBox visit

cushion pads, gift packaging, drinks packaging 

Where Else Could Cushion Pad Protection Help Brands?

Enhancing Brand Identity

Our cushion pads can be manufactured in various colours, prints, sizes and shapes helping further enhance brand identity. A printed cushion pad is an easy way to distinguish your brand from competitors in the same market: even just a simple pattern in your brand colours could be a chance to extend your brand assets to a new format.

Whether you want a heart-shaped cushion for a Valentine’s collection or your logo repeated across the pad for a little extra brand recognition, your customers will appreciate the effort.

Some brands even use the cushion pad to add extra information. In confectionery, this is often detailing the varying types of bonbons present, but perhaps in an area like drinks gift packaging, it could be used to suggest cocktail recipes or menu pairing notes, or even tell the history of the product.

Extra touches like this could make it more likely that consumers will purchase the product to introduce someone to the sector - someone who isn’t sure what type of spirit they like, or how to enjoy them, for example, might find it to be particularly useful information.

The Element of Luxury

There is evidence that a cushion pad adds an element of luxury to any premium product. It is the first thing customers see when they open a box or tin, and gives the distinct impression that a brand has taken deliberate care to protect the product inside.

Let’s be honest, everyone loves to unwrap things, and any extra elements to a brand’s packaging design can be an added moment of anticipation. This is especially tangible when talking about drinks gift packaging protection, as often these microbars are offered as gifts.

If you’d like to know more about drinks packaging protection and how they could work to meet your goals, fill out the form below or call our friendly team on 01536 200333 option 2.


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