My Esel | Bike Packaging | Bike Boxes | Smurfit Kappa


See how our clever space-saving design for wooden bikes delivered shipping cost savings


My Esel, an Austrian company that makes wooden bikes, was looking for a new packaging solution that could safely transport all models and sizes. The previous packaging was tall and narrow, meaning it often tipped over and did not provide the required protection for the critical rear gear system. With sustainability in mind, My Esel was also keen to work with a local supplier.

My Esel Bike packaging
The Approach

Rather than delivering the bike whole like the previous packaging, our designers removed the front wheel to save space. Inside the outer box, bespoke corrugated fitments were designed to hold the bike components securely in place and ensure the rear gear system was protected. The inside of the pack was then cleverly printed with assembly instructions for the end user. 

My Esel Bike packaging
The Result
The new space-saving solution has resulted in a high-quality pack with improved product protection achieved at the same price as its previous solution. Thanks to the new compact design, My Esel are able to achieve lower shipping costs. Finally, the five-kilometre proximity from Smurfit Kappa to My Esel means CO2 emissions have significantly reduced during the transporting of the packaging.
Bike Packaging

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