Smurfit Kappa Snodland proudly becomes a patron of the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce

Smurfit Kappa Snodland proudly becomes a patron of the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce

Smurfit Kappa Snodland UK Recycling 

On the 1st of April, Smurfit Kappa Snodland proudly became a Patron of the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce. This marks an exciting milestone for us, and it highlights our unwavering commitment to sustainability and the community in Kent.

Bringing Recycling and Sustainability to a Wider Audience

At Smurfit Kappa Snodland we have a wealth of experience working with businesses and councils, with a focus on recycling and protecting the planet for future generations. Sustainability is a key part of what we do, and our eco-conscious ethos is something that we want to share with other Kent-based businesses.

We’re focused on doing the right thing for our people, our community and our environment. We encourage businesses to work towards being more eco-friendly, and being a Patron of the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce provides us with a platform to support businesses in doing so.

Supporting Business’ Sustainability Efforts in Kent

The Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce is recognised as a leading business support organisation in the county. As the voice of business across Kent and the surrounding areas, they represent the needs and views of the business community at all levels, locally and nationally. It advocates on behalf of businesses to ensure that their perspectives are considered in key decision-making processes.

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The Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce strives to create an environment that promotes business growth and improvement, supporting the development and success of companies throughout the region. By becoming a Patron, Smurfit Kappa Snodland can support businesses when it comes to their sustainability efforts, regardless of their size or industry.

Driving Impactful Change as a Patron

As we join forces with the Kent Invicta Chamber of Commerce, we are more committed than ever to making a difference. Becoming a Patron enables us to collaborate with like-minded businesses across the region, sharing our expertise and advocating for a greener planet. As first-time Patrons, everyone at Smurfit Kappa Snodland is excited about the opportunities ahead.

We look forward to working closely with businesses in the area, sharing our knowledge and continuing to lead by example in the recycling sector.