Nachhaltige Verpackung für Hundekekse | Smurfit Kappa
Mera Pet Food


See how we helped pet food company Mera, eliminate 25 tonnes of plastic annually

The Challenge

Mera is a family business based in Germany who manufactures a range of pet food and snack for dogs and cats. One of their most popular product lines called ‘Biscuits’ was previously sold in plastic tubs, but now the company sought an eco-friendlier solution.

Being the first in the pet food industry to receive ‘ZNU Standard for Sustainable Management’ certification, Mera aimed to replace the plastic tubs for two main reasons. Firstly, they wanted a sustainable packaging option for the future, and secondly, they aimed to streamline their logistics process due to the inefficiencies of the plastic tubs.

The Approach

Our team of packaging experts proposed replacing the plastic tub with a corrugated cardboard box, which is 100% recyclable, biodegradable, and manufactured from a renewable resource, Designed with consumer convenience in mind, the box features a reinforced handle for easy carrying and can be effortlessly opened and closed via a tab extending from the lid.

Furthermore, the packaging was meticulously designed to optimise supply chain efficiencies and meet the requirements of the packing line. This new corrugated solution can be automatically assembled, filled, sealed, and palletized using a standard case erector.


The Result

Through the implementation of the new corrugated packaging solution, Mera achieved an annual reduction in plastic usage by 25 tonnes. The transition to paper-based packaging underscores Mera's commitment to sustainability, which is immediately noticeable to customers when seeing the product on the shelf.

Beyond its sustainability advantages, this switch has also demonstrated to be a more cost-effective option. Through the implementation of automated and standardised processes, Mera has successfully reduced logistics costs by 40%, effectively streamlining overall logistical operations.


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