Totem Displays
Totem Displays | Jakie są cechy tego produktu?
Dostępne w szerokim wyborze z tektury trzywarstwowej i pięciowarstwowej
Dopasowane do produktu i indywidualnych wymagań marketingowych klienta i łańcucha dostaw
Najczęściej w rozmiarze od 10 do 22,5 m²
Dostępne powłoki barierowe np. chroniące przed porysowaniem i wodoodporne
Dostępne wysokiej jakości nadruki do promowania marki
Opakowania mogą być klejone, łączone taśmą lub zszywane
Totem Displays | Jakie korzyści daje ten produkt?
Increases sales through high brand visibility
Attracts consumer attention to product promotions or launches
Maximises brand impact at the point of purchase
Reduction in transit and storage costs as totem displays are delivered flat
Easy to assemble reducing time spent merchandising
Environmentally friendly – made from a renewable resource
Oszacuj wpływ opakowania, zanim ono trafi do sieci handlowej
We bring together a huge database of 50,000 shopper insights, unique tools and the industry’s biggest team of designers to ensure your Display captures all the attention you need.
Our unique partnership with EyeSee means that we can analyse thousands of shopper reactions in a virtual store before a single Display is produced – giving you the best possible chance of making it right, first time. This allows our customers to minimise risk without the expense of real-world failure.
Learn more about our Store Visualizer
Globalna wiedza, prezentowana lokalnie
We understand your market, because we’re as local as you.
With over 50 specialist Display designers across 19 countries, we truly understand how shoppers behave and what local retailers are looking for. This unrivalled footprint combined with a real feel for local market specifics can make all the difference to retailer acceptance and sales success.
In addition to our local footprint, we have a pan-European team based in Amsterdam who manage large-scale Display projects for many of Europe’s biggest brands, from complex harmonization or,, catalogue developments to simple multi-country execution of consistently excellent Displays.
Get inspired by a visit by to one of our Experience Centres